Welcome to the Plain Jane Food Critic Blog

I decided to start writing this blog because I like food! I work a lot of hours and therefor its not always feasible for me to cook dinner because that will mean I'm eating really late, so its just sometimes easier to eat at a local restaurant.

So what you need to know. I'm not paid for this. I don't necessarily go to the fanciest of restaurants. I pay for my own meals, so what you'll read is what myself and my family truly think of the restaurants food.

I hope you enjoy and visit some of these places too! The recession has a real effect on them, so if you have a free day and you don't want to cook - maybe you'll try what we had!

Bon Appetite!

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Evelyn's Big Italian - 704 Texas St, Fairfield, CA

I haven't written on this blog for many years, but have decided to pick it back up.  Today we decided to try to head out to Bolinas Beach in Marin County with the dogs.  My husband has had his second bladder cancer treatment and it is a really hot day in Northern California, (110F as of 4pm.)

We got as far as Vallejo and he wanted to turn around and head home.  So we did.  Traffic was a mess so we decided to cut through Suisun and Fairfield out to I-505.  We stopped in Fairfield and had lunch at Evelyn's Big Italian restaurant.  To be honest, we stopped primarily because they had outdoor seating and we had the 2 dogs.  It was still hot, 104F and they do not let dogs inside, (probably service dogs,) and that was ok.  The patio provided plenty of shade and we bought several bottles of water and had our own bowl for the dogs.  

My husband went in and ordered a 16" Sausage and olive pizza.  After a half hour, with not many people in there, we still did not have the pizza, so I went in and asked about it.  The cashier had accidentally put the tag in with the days receipts and had forgotten to get it to the cooks.  (That was not fun given how hot it was.)  She asked them to get this in urgently.  

About 20 minutes later, we had our pizza.  They were nice enough to bring another pizza pan to put on top of the pizza so flies wouldn't get to it.

It was thin crust (New York Style) and very, very cheesy.  The sausage was sliced and not ground, which we loved and the olives were nicely sliced and plentiful.  The sauce had a nice taste without being over bearing with oregano or basil.  Was just perfect.  It surprisingly was a little greasy on top, much like you get from pepperoni, but with a quick dab of the napkin, was all good.

It was honestly very delicious.  

We never went further than the order counter, where it looks like they have about 4 booths in the front, but through the window looks a bit spacious.  The counter area is very tiny.  The outdoor eating area easily seats 20 people.

I would highly suggesting stopping here next time you're in traffic between the bay area and Sacramento.  

Evelyn's Big Italian Facebook Page

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